
Mariam Dawood
School of Visual Arts & Design


Lights will guide you home. As a metaphor, as an inspirational quote, a memorable song or even a cool Instagram caption, no matter how you look at that quote, it instils a sense of belief in you; a belief of a guide, a pathway and a direction to utmost comfort. For me it holds so much value that I use it as a driving force behind my project. In life our struggles are endless. It’s always the darkest before the dawn. Caught amidst social inceptions, redundant cultural beliefs, incomplete religious norms and a fatigued state of mind; I’ve always been surrounded by masked individuals. Not heroes with capes, but people fuelled by jealousy and envy. I’ve always struggled to find this light in my life. A light that helps me to push through every time I fall. A light that helps me to reconnect with myself and lead me to my ‘home’. My thesis is purely based on how I’ve copped with such circumstances, one after another. It reflects how I’ve come to the realization that not everyone is worth your trust. That being said, i have then related my words with beetles and its beautiful yet very unique body structure that includes two set of wings that no other insects have. It differentiates the fragility and density of the subject. Using beetle wings and their forms as a symbol. The fact that I can easily differentiate between the genuine vs the fake, how I’ve managed to move on from a broken past; my whole thesis is me finding this light that keeps driving me forward.

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